A Note to all...

PD Houses

on the Distribution of The Word

                             by Kei of Crn

The  WORD  can  be freely distributed.  However, we believe that no more
than  £3  should  be  paid for 2 disks with postage and packaging and by
golly they better be good disks as we provide The WORD for the cost of a
first class stamp! (Or postcard if outside the UK)

The Word may only be sold if:

    »   The Main Executable file and the files in the "Files" and
        "Bonus" directories remain complete and unaltered.

    »   The seller agrees to abide by the above pricing info.

    »   The Word is not included on any CD-ROM collections without
        express written permission from Carnage.

PD Houses can place adverts in The Word at any time as long as:

    »   Adverts are in a non-AGA IFF format, max filesize 30k.

    »   Adverts are accompanied by at least 2 articles (Not including
        text adverts!).

    »   The company makes an effort to stick The Word in their next
        magazine advert, or at least gives it a special mention on
        their catalogue disk for a week or two.
